- The Librarian must record all items leaving the Library. If the Librarian is not present at a meeting another member of the Executive Committee will deputise.
- No member may borrow more than 3 items at any one time unless previously agreed with the Librarian.
- The loan period is
- 6 months for items of observing equipment. Or
- 4 weeks for any other item.
- The loan period may be extended provided that
- No other member has requested the item.
- The extension is requested not more than 2 weeks before the loan expires for observing equipment or 1 week before the loan expires for any other item.
- The item is available for inspection at the time the extension is requested.
- All items must be returned by the specified date.
- Members must return items before the end of the loan period at the request of the Executive Committee.
- Receipts for the return of an item will only be issued at the borrower's specific request.
- If items are not returned by the specified date a reminder will be issued. The member must meet any costs incurred in issuing a reminder.
- If items are not returned one week after a reminder has been issued a final reminder will be issued. The member may be asked to appear before the Executive Committee at its next meeting. The member must meet any costs incurred in issuing a final reminder.
- Failure to return items will result in the member's use of library facilities being withdrawn until the member returns any items.
- Any member failing to return items will be required to pay the full costs of replacement.
- Members may be held personally liable for any damage to library items in their possession.
- Items of equipment may be accompanied by either manufacturers, suppliers and/or Society produced instructions which members must familiarise themselves with prior to borrowing and use such equipment.
- Any software or entertainment media available in the library must:
- Not be copied or duplicated.
- In the case of software, be removed from the member's computer at the end of the loan period unless the software license allows for unrestricted copying (e.g. the software is freeware)
- Members must ensure all Library items are returned in the event of them leaving the Society (in accordance with clause E, sub-clause (11) of the Constitution). Failure to do so may result in legal action being taken.
These rules have been approved and adopted by the Executive Committee in accordance with clause D, sub-clause (9) of the Constitution and supersede all previous rules of membership.